How To Cut Mango for Sushi

If you’ve never had mango sushi, you don’t know what you’re missing. The mango adds a delightful sweet tanginess to the sushi that’s unlike anything you’ve ever tasted. The best part is, it isn’t hard to make. But there is a precise way you need to cut the mango for the best results.

To cut a mango for sushi:

  1. Start by peeling it with a potato peeler.
  2. Slice the mango from top to bottom, around the pit.
  3. Cut the mango into ultra-thin slices.

If you’re still not exactly sure what I mean, don’t worry. I’ll go into more detail, and I’ll even give you a video to watch that demonstrates precisely how you should prepare a mango for use with sushi. So let’s get to it.

How Do You Cut a Mango for Sushi?

To cut a mango for sushi, you need to start with an almost ripe mango. Peel it with a vegetable peeler and cut around the pit, leaving behind the edible fruit. Cut the slices as thin as you can get them using a sharp pairing knife and clean cutting board.

To properly cut a mango for sushi, you need the right tools. Luckily, they’re easy to find. All you need is:

Once you have your tools on hand, you can start cutting the fruit.

1. Start by Peeling It With a Potato Peeler

Cutting mango for sushi isn’t hard at all. It’s a soft fruit that requires minimal effort.

Start by peeling it with the vegetable peeler. Of course, you can peel with a knife if you prefer, but the vegetable peeler works better because it doesn’t take off too much from the outside of the fruit.

2. Slice the Mango From Top to Bottom, Around the Pit

When it comes to slicing the mango, there are different ways to do it. If you have a ton of skill, you can go this route: (Jump to the 1:35 mark for the extreme knife skills)

Now, I don’t have anywhere near that level of skill in the kitchen. If I tried to slice a mango like that, the result would look like something straight out of a Stephen King movie. 

I prefer to use the method featured in this video:

3. Cut the Mango Into Ultra-Thin Slices.

If you’re going to use the second technique, remember to cut your slices more thinly. 

Your mango slices don’t have to be paper-thin to sit nicely on top of the sushi, but they do have to be almost that thin. So use the method in the video, but make each slice significantly thinner.

How Ripe Should a Mango Used for Sushi Be?

Another important consideration is the current ripeness of the mango you’re using. It won’t taste right if it isn’t mature enough, but it won’t have the correct consistency if it’s too ripe. 

Mango used for sushi should be at that point immediately before it’s about to hit full ripeness. Look for mangoes that have just the tiniest bit of give when you squeeze them. That means they’re just about ripe, but they aren’t 100% there yet. 

You can’t always use color as a guide to determine whether or not a mango is fully mature. Different mango varieties ripen into different colors, after all. 

Instead, the best way to test a mango’s ripeness is by gently squeezing it. If the mango is hard, it’s too “green” to eat. If it’s soft, it’s fully mature. 

How Thin Should You Slice Your Mango for Sushi?

I know I’ve already talked about this, but it’s important enough that I wanted to give it its own section. 

You should slice your mango as thin as possible for sushi. If you cut the slices too thick, they’ll weigh down the sushi roll and won’t sit well on top. The flavor will also be too strong and overpowering. So, slice your mangoes as thin as you can get them without leaving them paper-thin. 

The width of your mango slice isn’t hugely important since you can trim it if you cut it too wide. Similarly, if you slice it too narrow, you can layer other pieces beside it.

Jump to about the 1:30 mark in this video, and you’ll get a good idea of how thick your slices should be.

Best Mango Sushi Recipe

Now that you know how to pick and cut your mangoes for sushi, let’s talk about actually making it. 

There are plenty of recipes for mango sushi and mango/avocado sushi online, but my favorite comes from How Daily. It’s just so quick and easy to make, and it tastes phenomenal. 

You can check out the complete recipe on their site, but here’s an overview:

What you’ll need:

  • 1 Ripe Mango
  • 2 Cups of Cooked and Seasoned Sushi Rice
  • 4 Tempura Shrimp
  • 2 Nori
  • ¼ Hass Avocado

How to make it:

  1. Prepare the rice and the tempura shrimp.
  2. Cut the avocado into thin, lengthwise strips.
  3. Roll the shrimp, avocado, and rice with the nori. 
  4. Peel and thinly slice the mango, placing them in a rectangular area on plastic wrap.
  5. Place the sushi wrap on top of the mango slices.
  6. Roll the sushi with the plastic wrap so that the mango slices are on top of the roll.
  7. Continue to roll until the sushi roll has a good, tight shape.
  8. Cut the roll with the plastic wrap still around it.
  9. Gently remove the plastic wrap from each piece before serving, and drizzle with mango sauce.

If you have your shrimp and rice pre-cooked, the whole process takes about 10 minutes. It doesn’t get much simpler than that.

Alternatives to Mango Sushi

If you’re looking for a way to add some extra flavor to your sushi, but you don’t love mango, there are plenty of other ingredients that taste great on top of sushi rolls. 

You can use crushed nuts, like pecans, walnuts, or almonds, to add a bit of crunch and a nutty flavor. 

If you prefer a more savory taste, try green onions, fresh seaweed, or cucumbers. 

Chia seeds and sesame seeds are also good options. And, of course, you can always add crab, tuna, or other seafood for a double dose of fishy flavor. 

I’ve even seen people top their sushi with bacon! 

When it comes to sushi toppings, your only real limit is your imagination.

Final Thoughts

Cutting a mango can be tricky, whether you’re cutting it for sushi or just eating it as a snack. 

Luckily, you can manage with the proper instructions, a vegetable peeler, and a sharp paring knife. 

Just be sure you pick a mango that’s almost, but not quite, entirely ripe. That makes it easier to cut and gives you the best flavor. 


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